of our work
A belsőépítészetnek, akárcsak a sakkjátéknak minden szakasza sorsdöntő és fontos. Ha nem gondoljuk végig az összes lépést előre, a hibák előre megjósolhatók, melyek csak akkor lesznek láthatóak, amikor a kivitelezés végső szakaszához érkezünk.
Ez az oka, hogy folyamatosan, a projekt egész szakaszában ellenőrizzük a minőségi munkavégzést.
Ha egy projektet elvállalunk, akkor a végeredménynek pontosan olyannak kell lennie, mint ahogy a látványterveken az ügyfél elfogadta.

we help
our clients
to save money
Our professional insight and the breadth of our procurement sources allow us to consciously plan for the given project from the very first moment of planning. Our customers receive renderings and visualizations of the interior during the planning process. Additional services of the studio include: procurement of materials, wallpaper, furniture, lighting and accessories.
Our bonus and discounted contract terms allow you to purchase materials, coverings, paints and furniture more advantageously.

we use
the newest
The world does not stand still – and we experience this at the professional events that we constantly attend. Paris, Milan, Belgium, where the newest interior design trends are born, we are there, we are inspired and we continuously train ourselves. Our company’s projects are prepared taking into account the latest techniques and design trends, we work with the latest architectural and interior design programs, we offer 3D rendered photorealistic visual designs, product samples, material compositions can be felt and touched with their appearance on real furniture, and of course taking into account the most convenient solution for our customers.
Do you want a trendy, comfortable environment? Find us!

We agree that aesthetics are very important in design. However, interior design also affects living conditions. We do everything we can to ensure that our projects are not only stylish, but that comfortable living solutions are also extremely important. We do our work based on these principles.